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Does anybody want a Southampton Strut?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:31 pm
by Tom Sheppard
If so, please PM me and I'll see what can be done.

Southampton Strut

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:55 am
by John McKenzie
Hello Tom ,...I am new on this forum and have sent you a PM reply .... I think !!

Regards John :D

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:22 pm
by Tom Sheppard
Thanks to those of you who contacted me regarding the establishment of a local strut. I'm sorry to say that the idea has not proved popular enough to form one under the LAA rules which require ten members.

Re: Does anybody want a Southampton Strut?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:07 pm
by Ian Hoolahan
I would say that Southampton is a bit close to the Andover Strut at Popham, a better place might be Portsmouth, easy to get to from Southampton, Chichester and areas to the north, plus you might get the odd visitor from the IoW, bit of a black spot for getting to other struts as well - though I suspect from SOU, Popham is as easy as Portsmouth.

Re: Does anybody want a Southampton Strut?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:43 pm
by Harry Hopkins
Good evening, Tom,

Please don't give up. May I suggest you compose a message about your intention to start a Strut in the Southhampton area and send it to the LAA Office for email dissemination to all members with an SO postcode. If you're able to add adjacent postcodes so much the better.

Also, if you send and email to our Editor, Brian Hope, he'll be pleased to put a notice in Light Aviation to ask for anyone who wishes to join you.

I started a strut a few years ago and should you need any assistance I'd be delighted to offer advice. You can contact me at: [email protected].

Best wishes,


Re: Does anybody want a Southampton Strut?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:01 pm
by John McKenzie
Hello again Tom & others .

Southampton used to have a Strut , started many years ago under PFA , the late Frank Nuthall ...and a news letter .
This must have been about 35/40 years ago !..and , certainly initially , it was a great success .
It later gave birth to the Andover strut (started by Jim Espin) at his newly cleared airstrip at Popham . Many of the "Solent Strut" members giving their all in its making ,...and attending to both .
Unfortunately , over the years , for a variety of reasons no doubt ,...the Solent strut died .
Surely in a city & outlining areas , the size of Southampton ,...there can be found the minimum number of interested members .

Myself , as a retired professional builder , with an interesting LAA potential project in mind , would be quite interested in passing on some "old time" skills .
The enemy as always of course , is Apathy .

Hope this idea can be revived , perhaps by some included leaflets in the LAA magazine .

Myself , having worked alone for many years , am of a somewhat retiring personality and unsuited as a co-ordinator unfortunately .....However , I can perhaps , bring to the table , some practical engineering knowledge .

Regards John M :)

[ I believe that Frank originally obtained addresses from PFA Shoreham , for all "local" members . ]