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East Midlands LAA Strut - May Meeting

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:36 pm
The next East Midlands LAA Strut meeting will be held at The Old Plough, Normanton on Soar on the 12th May 2014, 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.

The subject will be “Bring a bit along”, your chance to bring something aircraft related along; a new part, a good part, a broken worn part, or whatever and discuss it with those members assembled.

Stewart will bring a wing rib as designed by C G Taylor in the early/mid thirties which became an Auster part. This is dated as 1943, so its over 70 years old, like some strut members!!!

Unfortunately, I can’t make this meeting otherwise I’d bring along some of the Menestrel ribs which are accumulating in my workshop.

Tony Razzell

East Midlands LAA Strut Membership Coordinator.