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East Midlands LAA Strut - October 2018 Meeting

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:06 pm
The October meeting of the East Midlands LAA Strut will be held on Monday the 8th October at The Plough, Normanton on Soar, Loughborough, LE12 5HB, 7:30 for 8:00pm.

This month we have Nick Howarth, speaking about "Jet Engines and Things' (provisional title). Nick is a very enthusiastic hands on engineer, both at work in Future Programmes at Rolls-Royce where he is helping develop the next generation of Large Civil Engines, and at home where he has a small engineering workshop and tinkers with smaller jet engines. If you've been to one of the Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust open day events, you may have seen/heard him making a lot of noise with a model aircraft jet engine. He has also been in a Jet Provost syndicate and experimented with what a Viper Engine might be capable of in a Transit van (allegedly).

I look forward to seeing you at The Plough for what I think will be a very entertaining evening!!

Coming up for November's meeting our own Tony Irwin will give us an evening of "Aviation Annecdotes", more nearer the time.

Best regards

Tony Razzell

East Midlands LAA Strut Coordinator