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Going Foreign Part 2 Webinar This Thursday 18th

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:27 pm
by Alan Kilbride
Going foreign part 1 is now online via Vale of York Strut Youtube.
Going foreign part 2 will be this Thursday 18th at 19:30 to start at 19:45 The first 15 mins are to get guidance for the seminar in place and to catch up with anything that may require pilots attention during these trying times.
The webinar will take over from part 1 and cover populating your Electronic Flight Bag ( posh phrase for tablet) with information to be able to send flight plans and Gar forms electronically, Routing to make use of altitudes, Lars, Air traffic zones etc. leaving Part 3 to simulate the flight using a Skydemon flight from Full Sutton (EGNU to Calais LFAC with a short hop to St Omer LFQN and return which covers almost all eventualities, Briefings to passengers Activating FP, Freecalls,Handovers, Matz transits, Class D airspace transits, FIR crossing, Landing at a Customs airfield in France and also flying in to a provincial airfield, plus many other tips a and tricks, like weekend one click.
Everyone from any part of aviation is most welcome to the webinar, but please register via the Strut e mail address, as we want to give priority to our own and all the Strut members in the wider LAA.
Charles Bonello will be presenting a webinar on Skydemon the following month 16th July.
To register please e mail.
I do mean EVERYONE is welcome. I may as well make a fool of myself to 75 people as 25.

[email protected]
