East Midlands LAA Strut Feb 2022 Meeting

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East Midlands LAA Strut Feb 2022 Meeting

Post by TRAZZELL » Sun Feb 13, 2022 1:37 pm

The February meeting of the East Midlands LAA Strut will be a virtual one via Zoom as The Plough are not able to accommodate us this month. I have not been able to get a speaker (I am trying to get something on Tiger Moths for next month) and as it is Valentines Day some of you may be otherwise engaged so we'll just have a chat over Zoom, start time 8:00pm.
If anyone has something they want to present (progress on a project, interesting fly out or something) then do bring it along - I can allow you to share your screen with the group for you to present.
Zoom details as follows:
Topic: East Midlands LAA Strut - Feb 2022 meeting
Time: Feb 14, 2022 08:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86450242373?p ... V0b0M3dz09

Meeting ID: 864 5024 2373
Passcode: 814441

I hope you can join us tomorrow evening.

Best regards

Tony Razzell

East Midlands LAA Strut Coordinator
Tony Razzell

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