East Midlands LAA Strut May 2023 Meeting

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East Midlands LAA Strut May 2023 Meeting

Post by TRAZZELL » Fri Apr 28, 2023 2:39 pm

Dear East Midlands Strut member,

I am very pleased to announce that The Plough at Normanton on Soar is back in business and can accommodate us again for Strut meetings. We had moved to meeting on the first Tuesday of the month after they had started closing on a Monday so I will keep that arrangement as it is more convenient for a number of people who have other commitments on a Monday. Our next meeting will therefore be on Tuesday 2nd May at The Plough, Main Street, Normanton on Soar, LE12 5HB, 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.

For the May meeting I have been sent a video recording of a talk about a Dakota ferry flight from the UK to the United State that Kath Burnham gave to the Vintage Aeroplane Club (VAC). The aircraft in question (G-AMPY) was involved in the 1948-49 Berlin Airlift so is of significant historical interest. It would be really nice to see you in person at The Plough, but I'll also run a Zoom session and hope that the video quality is sufficient for people joining us remotely. The Zoom details are as follows:

Topic: East Midlands LAA Strut Zoom link
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89351024107?p ... s4eDhZdz09

Meeting ID: 893 5102 4107
Passcode: 251605

I did circulate details of Tony Irwin's funeral a couple of weeks ago, unfortunately a number of emails giving details of the funeral got rejected so my apologies to those who would have liked to attend (I tried a few times with different email headings but wasn't successful). Lawrence Holland, James Cowell and myself attended and he was given a good send off. I will remain forever grateful for Tony's encouragement with the Strut and I'm sure we'll miss his "stop me if I've told you this before...." anecdotes!

For anyone intending to go to Aero Expo 2023 at Sywell, I will be taking my Menestrel project to display on the LAA stand. Aero Expo is on the 8th-10th June, further details here: https://www.aeroexpo.co.uk/

Finally, I propose that we have our AGM for the meeting on Tuesday 6th June. Lawrence Holland and I have been trying our best to keep the East Midlands LAA Strut going through the past few years and would very much welcome your help and ideas for the Strut going forward. The offices of Chair, Coordinator and Treasurer will need to be filled (as a minimum) so please consider putting yourself forward.

I hope to see you on Tuesday at The Plough.

Best regards

Tony Razzell

East Midlands LAA Strut Coordinator
Tony Razzell

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