East Midlands LAA Strut July 2023 Meeting

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East Midlands LAA Strut July 2023 Meeting

Post by TRAZZELL » Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:45 pm

The next meeting of the East Midlands LAA Strut will be on Tuesday 4th July, 7:30pm for an 8:00pm kick-off at The Plough, Main Street, Normanton on Soar, Loughborough, LE12 5HB. Picking up on the theme of the Mosquito from a few meetings back, Bob Dawson has found another Mosquito film that we think Strut members will find interesting. As Bob lives some distance away, he will be playing it to us remotely via Zoom which worked pretty successfully for the MacRobertson Air Race film that we watched a few months ago, see joining details later on in this email.

It was great to have such a good turnout at the AGM last month, I felt we had a very positive meeting, and many thanks to all who turned up at The Plough or joined via Zoom. 

For anyone interested in supporting STEM events, we are holding another Cool Aeronautics event at Derby Airfield on the 18th July. Cool Aeronautics is sponsored by the Royal Aeronautical Society and run by an enthusiastic group of volunteer STEM ambassadors from the Derby Branch of the RAeS. I will be there demonstrating 3D printing etc. and if any Strut member would like to support the event by helping to guide the young people around the airfield, please contact Martin Jones or myself. It's a lot of fun and plays a vital role in enthusing young people to follow STEM careers.
I hope to see you in person at The Plough, but for those joining remotely, we will use the normal joining link below:

Topic: East Midlands LAA Strut Zoom link
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89351024107?p ... s4eDhZdz09

Meeting ID: 893 5102 4107
Passcode: 251605

Best regards

Tony Razzell
East Midlands LAA Strut Coordinator
Tony Razzell

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