An LAA Aeroplane

Discussion of aircraft design, new designs and designing your own

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An LAA Aeroplane

Post by ColinC » Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:51 pm

As promised in the 'Carling' topic: http://services.lightaircraftassociatio ... =26&t=4029
I did manage to put something vaguely lucid together for the April edition of the LAA magazine and I see that it is currently available as a pdf here: ... oplane.pdf if anyone would care to read it.

So, I guess we can see now if there is enough interest to get something started.

If anyone is interested in contributing in any way, please do contact either myself or Brian Hope.


Colin Cheese

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Re: An LAA Aeroplane

Post by TRAZZELL » Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:29 pm

Great article Colin, a good summary of the various musings on the forum.
Tony Razzell

Ian Melville
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Re: An LAA Aeroplane

Post by Ian Melville » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:53 am

Just done quick read Colin. Nice article, and well put together. However there is one area that I felt was less clear.

The proposal outlined in bullet points makes it sound like a competition to which designs should be submitted rather than a collaboration. The next section 'Going Forward' brings it back to teamwork.

To work for me, the project would have to be a learning experience where I can work alongside or be advised by those with the knowledge. The journey is as important as the the outcome.

I also think we need to be very careful to not end up with a design that is labelled as ' Designed by Committee' :D
Ian Melville

Brian Hope
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Re: An LAA Aeroplane

Post by Brian Hope » Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:09 pm

Hi Ian, I think it is important to garner as many ideas as possible and there will undoubtedly be people who have worked on personal designs in the past, or indeed currently, but for a variety of reasons might not wish, or be in a position, to work within a design team but are happy for their ideas to be considered.
I believe Colin has made the point that this is not a design competition, nor are we seeking any one individual's ideas in isolation. The point that any submitted designs are freely available for the team to consider in whole, part or concept is a good one, it may well bring something to the party that a smaller group had no knowledge of or had not considered.
I hope when the magazine drops through letterboxes early next week it will bring forth a positive response from the members, some offers of help, and the germination of what at the moment is just the seed of an idea into an active project.

Ian Melville
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Re: An LAA Aeroplane

Post by Ian Melville » Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:14 pm

Thanks for the clarification Brian.
Ian Melville

Nigel Kerr
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Re: An LAA Aeroplane

Post by Nigel Kerr » Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:18 pm

Did the results of this enterprise ever bear fruit - moved to another thread?

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