Magnetic personality

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Magnetic personality

Post by G.Dawes » Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:45 pm

I have noticed just how much the compass swings when an Ipad or tablet is put on or near the panel for any program or GPS etc there is a HUGE deviation and that could seriously affect any and every flight you do, it is probably the speaker magnets but there might be others in there as well.
Be warned peoples it might be you.
Graham Dawes

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Re: Magnetic personality

Post by TRAZZELL » Sun Apr 09, 2017 7:46 pm

I have to say I've been concerned about the strength of the magnetic field. There are a series of small magnets along the edge of the iPad to attach the folding cover/stand. Certainly keep away from your compass!

Tony R
Tony Razzell

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Flying John
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Re: Magnetic personality

Post by Flying John » Sun May 14, 2017 10:37 pm

Also magnets in some after market covers for Ipads and Androids to close the covers.

I did a degaussing in an aircraft last year and surveyed the aircraft first. I found two old Ipad flip covers in the luggage compartment that had magnetised part of the fuselage steel tubing.

To check your own, just run one of the compass Apps that have a field strength readout in micro tesla's. It will pinpoint any high magnetic field strength areas in your aircraft.
John Luck

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