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Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:31 pm
by Brian Hope
Hi Gnasher, from the reports I get Engineering usually turn it around in less than a week and then it's up to CAA, usually a couple of weeks from them, but sometimes they pull out the stops and get it done a bit faster.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:01 pm
by David Kean
I think you should make that - weeks
I know of several people who have been waiting weeks for permits , issue of and to test. I believe Francis is off sick ( get well soon )
but why does the whole thing grind to a halt because one person is away??
Why can't somebody else sign the paperwork?

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:06 pm
by Mike Mold
"...what is obviously needed is at least another signitory for all engineering needs."

This is already being arranged through a change in our exposition. Francis himself confirmed it when he spoke to the Devon Strut last autumn.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:21 pm
by David Kean
last autumn !!
I rest my case.

I think more than one other signitory is required.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:30 pm
by Mike Mold
PF Dec 2007, p24, para 3

Permit renewals

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:04 pm
by Sandy Hutton
Welshman, you have it wrong because the 2000+ permit renewals go by Ken Craigie and Malcolm MacBride, who do a very good job and always give a good turnround (edit; better not forget the part that Maxine and Gretta play too).. I'm sure there are many readers who would agree to that, so all credit to them please.

FYI, New Build Applications go via Francis and I don't blame him for taking his time and making certain that everything is in order though I do agree with you that we maybe need another signatory to cover sickness and leave periods.


Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:31 pm
by Pete
Presumably that was a criteria in the selection process for the new Engineer.

I believe he was so qualified at the BMAA, so I would image he will be qualified to sign off on LAA flight releases etc

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:26 pm
by Roger Partington
I read the first post on this subject to my girlfriend and she now has her head in her hands saying "oh no, oh no, not again".

Sandy, if what you say is true "Welshman, you have it wrong because the 2000+ permit renewals go by Ken Craigie and Malcolm MacBride", why is my renewal now into its fourth week and last excuse was because Francis was off sick ??? Possibly because I dared to put in a mod 7 for a transponder (on which I failed to list the existing radio gear as well as the new), but then I was told that this was to be a separate issue.

Maybe I have just said too much on this subject here already and now I have an oak seasoning intray all of my own ?

The first reason for a hold up given was that one of my mods wasn't on the system and was thought to be still pending. This dispite the fact it had been issued, fully approved, some five months ago.

I wish people wouldn't ask these questions as the wailing and crying upsets the dog.

Yours confused and not a little frustrated

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:35 pm
by Roger Partington
And another thing - the cheque was cashed as soon as it was received - that bit obviously works well !

Lets see, £135 for the renewal, £70 hangarage, £80 wasted insurance, another month closer to the next 50 hour, quite a few lovely crisp flying days missed - AAHHHHH

Dog and girlfriend have now left the room

Unauthorised changes.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:55 am
by Sandy Hutton
That'll be the one Roger!! You failed to list the transponder so you only have yourself to blame.. Same with any other items such as unauthorised prop changes and mods or repairs. Speak with your Inspector as he is the man who could be keeping you, and others, on the right track in a lot of cases.

Sorry matey

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:52 am
by Roger Partington
Ah no, you miss my point. Actually it was the pre-existing radio I failed to list but even so, I was told that it would be a separate matter to the permit renewal and so it wouldn't be delayed athough I had submitted them together.

Also, my point was that the mods on the aircraft were all approved and I have the bits of paper to prove it - unfortunately, it seems that one of them couldn't be found in the system. I had hoped that by sending in a copy of the approval, it might help. (Actually, the approval I received had been signed but not dated which, for all I know made it invalid)

I suppose one of the things that sticks in the throat is how all delays and problems are instantly attributed to us, the idiot amateurs. Thanks for that.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:08 am
by Roger Partington
I'm sorry if I sound uptight but I am going to Spain for a few months in a couple of weeks and it pains me that a perfectly airworthy plane has to sit in the hangar again due to paperwork and I probably won't get the chance to fly her before I go.