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Pilotaware, shouldn't more people use it? The best EC in the UK

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:10 am
by neilmurg
It just is. IMO
I'm surprised more people don't use it.
It's even better if you sponsor a base station. There are over 250 in the uk, feeding you metar and glider data, when they get to 500 base stations, that's a 3 * redundancy rate...
The SE2 comes in a nice box. But it doesn't detect much, only ADS-B. Isn't that the point of EC, to detect as much as possible? I see far more with PAw than even the best look out

ADS-B out, PAw in, SD Annunciation

Re: Pilotaware, shouldn't more people use it? The best EC in the UK

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:59 pm
by Seagull
Hello Neil

It's interesting to hear your view. Look out for the August edition of Light Aviation. Ian Fraser and I have just written a review of the new Pilot Aware FX.

All the best
