Wootton Bassett flypast

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Wootton Bassett flypast

Post by G-AWMN » Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:47 pm

I have just seen on the LAA home page that a proposed Microlight flypast is being planned for Wootton Bassett. Whilst I applaud the sentiment behind this and appreciate any effort to show support to our armed forces is a flypast the best way of doing this?

Whilst I again appreciate the respect that the people of Wootton Bassett have shown but have concerns that their gesture has been taken over and has grown into a media circus and this flyby just adds to this. In my opinion a flyby of microlights will not be seen by the public as a mark of respect but as a bunch of pilots out on a jolly.

I want the BMAA and these pilots to show support for our armed services but can this be done in a way that does not concentrate on the particular tragic part of this war.

Obviously judging from the support already expressed I am in a minority on this, what do others think?

For the record, I have a son who is serving in the RLC and has served 1 tour in Afghanistan and is due to serve a second starting early next year so this is a subject very close to my heart.

Stuart Penfold
Last edited by G-AWMN on Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Bill Scott
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Post by Bill Scott » Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:10 pm

I understand your discomfort whilst also acknowledging the wish to pay respects. Perhaps the answer lies in how our culture is changing to a less solemn way of paying respects. Note how people clap as a mark of respect, simply unthinkable a a few years back. Times are changing, but I'm going to stick to the old ways.

Siff upper lip and all that eh

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Post by Gaznav » Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:32 am

My thoughts as a serving member of HMForces also accord Stuart's.

I would not wish this for my wife, children and family if I had fallen during my 2 Afghan tours (1 in the air and 1 on the ground). Should that day ever come for me I would hope that my wife's "Elizabeth's Cross" would afford her all the respect that she would most definately deserve.


However, that is just my opinion, and the BMAA's effort may be more welcome with the younger generation as Bill rightly points out.

If our association were to provide anything, then how about a "Young Aviators" event for the "Sons and Daughters of the fallen"? That, in my view, would bring more to the grieving families than a flypast.

All the very best
Gary Coleman

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Post by rogcal » Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:56 pm

I concur with what's already been said and also have to ask what the organisers and participants of the fly past hope to prove that they couldn't do by attending a local marchpast of returning troops.

What next, a drive by through Wooton Basset by owners of ex-military lorries, jeeps and armoured tracked vehicles!

IMHO, showing ones respect should be simple, unobtrusive and above all from the heart.
Roger Callow

Nigel Ramsay
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Post by Nigel Ramsay » Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:44 pm

Sad idea! I agree with the posters here so-far. Wasn't there a bikers 'ride through' a while back? Equally misguided in my opinion. As already stated, the WB gesture has been hijacked by the media and a mass fly-past of microlights will just be another 'stunt'. Even if the RAF were suffering heavy aerial losses it wouldn't be appropriate.

However I see there are 76 aircraft signed up so far so I guess we'll be seen as stick in the muds :-(

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Post by J.C. » Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:36 am

I imagine there are people who are members of both the LAA and BMAA that read this forum. If so can anyone tell me if the idea has been proposed to the relevant council involved or any contact made with any of the inhabitants of Wooton Basset bfore hijacking their "event" ?

(Maybe event is not the right word in this context but I can't think how to put it at the moment)

I too think it would be more meaningfull if a seperate event were held.
John Cook

Bill McCarthy
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Post by Bill McCarthy » Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:09 pm

I have serious doubts about this. Whilst the gesture may be sincere, the technicalities and logistics of upwards of a hundred aircraft forming for the "event" is frightening.

Brian Hope
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Post by Brian Hope » Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:50 pm

Whilst the manner in which we mourn our loved ones and pay respect to service men and women who lose their lives fighting for our country is a very personal thing, I can't help feeling that people may have got hold of the wrong end of the stick here. There is absolutely no question of this flypast taking place on a day when fallen soldiers are being repatriated; that would be inappropriate to most people I'm sure. However, the organiser has confirmed that it will take place on an ordinary day, which I believe is what happened when the bikers had their parade through the town. It will also raise awareness and donations for the Help the Heroes fund, a truly worthy cause.
To answer a question posed above, the local council and CAA are reported as having approved the event.

Nigel Ramsay
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Post by Nigel Ramsay » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:19 am

In the context of a separate event, aimed at fundraising for the benevolent fund, then I view that entirely differently. Does it really need to be Wootton Basset though, as this seems to be the trigger for all of us bemoaning (and misunderstanding) the event as proposed on here.

Ah the dangers of email style communication!

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Post by G-AWMN » Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:21 am

I was aware that this event was planned on an ordinary day not associated with a repatriation when I posted my original post. I do not approve of this fly past and I hope it does not take place. Just my opinion which we are all entitled to.

If I read the BMAA web site correctly, this is not a charity flight, but participants can make donations to Help for Hero's if they so wish. The purpose of the flight is proposed to show support to our armed forces. If this is the motivation of the participants then I take my hat of to them, but I just can not get it out of my mind that the main motivation of most taking part is a good day out with little thought for the cause or purpose.

Stuart Penfold

Mike Potts
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Wooton Basset

Post by Mike Potts » Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:31 am

I do not agree with some of the comments some have made and have tried to find the words as to why these people may be doing this, after all we are all different and so are our motivations. The link http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/cars-motorbik ... the-b.html (you may have to copy this into your browser to make it work) is about the motorcycle event held and I would ask you to think about an aviator instead of motorcyclist, which I also happen to be. Perhaps it may go some way to explain why.
Gary, if you organise to fly the young of the fallen and I can get my steed, I'll be there.


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