AFPEX flight plans

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Nigel Hitchman
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AFPEX flight plans

Post by Nigel Hitchman » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:18 pm

Has anyone else registered for this recently.
I registered on Monday last week, thinking I would need to file a flightplan to go to Diest last Saturday, as it happens I decded not to go due to weather. But I hadnt had a reply yet! Finally today, I get a letter with my user name, but I still cant use the system as my password will be sent "in the next couple of weeks" !!!! So that will be a month after I applied before I can use the system!! Why does it take so long. Why do NATS insist on making it so complicated. After all the old method of phoning up or faxing in a flightplan wasnt secure, anyone could input a spurios plan if thats what they are worried about.

Presumably I can still phone up and submit my flightplan, or I guess use the French system on Olivia, which doesnt require any pointless user names and passwords!
Off to Tankosh on Thursday, so need to file a flightplan!

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John Dean
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Re: AFPEX flight plans

Post by John Dean » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:40 pm

Regrettably you can't now phone with a flight plan, but you can send a fax although you need to do the addressing. If you need to get some advice on that the AFPeX helpline is very good.

If you are going to a French airfield first you could use Olivia but you still need a username and password to get into it.

If you get stuck, email me the details and I will file it for you.

Nick Allen
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Post by Nick Allen » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:44 pm

Nigel, it took weeks and weeks for my password to arrive last year, so don't hold your breath! Looks like you might have to dust off a fax machine...

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Post by J.C. » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:56 pm

Its crap. This has been done to death on all the other forums. I imagine there are more people going across the channel witout a flight plan now than there ever has been.
Its so easy to use Olivia, clear customs at Calais , file onward by phone( Belgium, Germany etc) and be on your way in less time than it takes to get afpex to accept a flight plan.
John Cook

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John Dean
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Post by John Dean » Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:11 pm

Sorry John but I don't agree with you. Once you have the account and have used it a few times, it's very quick and easy to file a flightplan on AFPeX

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Post by pillpoppinpilot » Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:57 pm

Took 9 months to get log in details after they lost my application, found it, duplicated it, erased both then got it right! Then the log in and password didn't work!

However the help desk were extremely helpful and at 23.45!

Have completed one flight plan to France and it wasn't easy but got there with helpdesk help.

There was a very good thread on the Flyer forum by a "Bepy pilot" I think and he explains in simple terms how to do the addressing for France correctly. Very informative. Perhaps this could be an article in Light Aviation???

It's not that bad when you get over the initial hurdles.

Tony Smith

Nigel Hitchman
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Post by Nigel Hitchman » Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:35 pm

I actually got my password by email about 30 min after writing my initial comment on here- I reckon someone at AFPEX must have been monitoring this forum!!
Just tried to send my first flightplan, got a little stuck, but phoned the helpdesk and they sorted me out very quickly, now all filed and I should be on my way in the morning!
No problems with addressing which I thought would be the worst problem, seems it did it all automatically.
All very well to have the back-up of a fax service, but I dont have one of those, all very last century! Surely emailing would be much better!
Thanks for your offer of help John, now not req

hope to see a few of you at Tankosh!

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