Medical Winge

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Medical Winge

Post by G.Dawes » Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:14 pm

I am still not able to get my GP to sign or even consider signing a medical form for NPPL . I have asked several times and it always went along the lines of
"I cant take liability for that."
"I dont know enough about it and it not my place to find out, Im too busy for this rubbish, I cant find time to bother looking up all the details on the website."
"I cant do this because it would cost me far more time than you could ever pay for, get on to the medical authority mentioned on the form advice."
I did get on to Dr Ian Perry who told me to get my Dr to phone him and he would explain all and if he wouldnt give a valid reason then Dr Perry would sign it. Guess what. My Dr stated to his secretary I certainly won't do that, I'm too busy to bother doing that kind of thing.

However if I wanted a HGV, he would do that beacuse that is good earner that he fully understands, What is the difference?
Does anyone have any ideas for the next move, If I change GPs then that is on my record and it would probably carry on, I cant ask another GP what there attitude would be about this matter before I signed on with them.
What have others done in this situation.
The problem I had was 17 years ago and cost me my professional licence, a long time before the NPPL was dreamed of, I seem to be still alive and reasonably fit still, albeit a trifle sad. :( :(

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Brian Robe
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Post by Brian Robe » Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:34 pm

Hi G Dawes. I fly on an NPPL medical because I try and keep my costs as low as possible and at present dont anticipate flying abroad. My first medical (after CAA class one) was simply signed by my doctor after a brief explanation from me. He didnt even charge me. He signed the next one but I had to pay about £25. Then he retired and I was allocated to a different doctor. When I turned up with the form for him to sign he hummed and hahed a bit but I left it telling him it was the same as an HGV which it is. It arrived in the post signed and with a bill £25. He had obviously checked up which I was very happy for him to do as it will make it easier for future pilots at that practice. Your Doctor is not signing to say you have passed a medical and he is garanteeing your fitness. He is signing to say that from his knowledge of you and your records there is nothing to restrict you from opperating the equipment which in this case is a light aircraft. I suggest that you Doctor is overworked and has lost some enthusiasm. Possibly try asking Doctor Ian Perry to write to your Doctor on your behalf and hope he has time to read the letter.

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Post by mikehallam » Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:31 pm

I assume you originally saved the Dr's time & any need for him to look on the web by giving him the two explanatory sheets together with your own self certifying & signed form ?

The NPPL/PPL UK Medical works for me epecially as it's every d**d year now !

Perhaps the swine flu epidemic is overloading him ?

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Post by G.Dawes » Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:24 pm

This has gone on over a few years and I even got a specialist to write to him confirming that I was in his opinion fit enough, I did give him all the forms and he then wanted to read all the additional DVLA addendum that are mentioned on them and that is what he wasnt going to do, he wants every possible disabling disease clarified from the ones listed on the site.
I might have to go back to the CAA and try and get through all the hoops to get one of theirs again. The cost would be very high to go through them and all the rports and tests. I hoped the NPPL system would work for me as it has for several friends.

Nick Allen
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Post by Nick Allen » Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:34 am

Time to change your GP! Really, from the sound of things he just can't be bothered -- which to be honest would make me wonder what else he can't be bothered about. (Find a local NPPL holder and go to their GP.) Good luck!

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