OFF TOPIC dowsing rods... finding Water

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Gary Carr
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OFF TOPIC dowsing rods... finding Water

Post by Gary Carr » Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:51 pm

HI All,
I have posted This thread.. as i am starting a new house build how many people on here.. have used a dowsing rod..or water finder for finding water and can say this works!
Be It metal or any other substance!..... look forward to any replies and incidences you may have had with this rod....Did this work for you...or did this not work for you...
This is a public forum so please place your answer below!

Last edited by Gary Carr on Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
1st aircraft... TST Thruster MK1
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Post by MORGS » Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:45 pm

Don't really want to upset the believers - because they really do believe rods/nut-sticks work and the act looks impressive. My grandfather swore by hazel-forked sticks and he used to dig wells for a living. When I used to look for water sources I reverted to good old fashioned hydro-geological research of area - this worked too. There's water everywhere in the UK if you go deep enough!

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Post by cardiffrob » Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:59 am

I worked for a building company about 20 years ago and they employed a very elderly chap and his set of sticks. I once watched him plot the path of water, gas and electics under a school playing field before the diggers went in. About a 99% accuracy. Just not perfect on corner radius, but close enough to keep the diggers from getting fried.

I've still not the faintest idea how he did it.
Rob Thomas

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Post by rogcal » Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:22 am


Can I suggest you look at the British Geological Society website where you will find a link to a search page of all wells and boreholes logged on their database.

At least you will know if there is a chance of having a borehole on your property, given the amount (or not) of the wells and boreholes in your locality.

Personally, I would not rely on a well for a supply, as the seasonal groundwater levels could result in you having no supply at certain periods of the year.

If you are fortunate enough to be over a limestone aquifer and it's not more than a hundred feet or so of the surface, you could be in with chance but be prepared for a "big bucks" bill for drilling and installing a domestic borehole.

I don't know what water costs now as we've enjoyed the benefits of a borehole for almost a decade but I would expect it to take more than a decade and a half to recover the cost of having a bore sunk!
Roger Callow

Gary Carr
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finding water

Post by Gary Carr » Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:38 am

Hi All,
To just clear a matter! The water is running through a house site and the water is in a plastic 2.1/2 inch mains pipe.. the house site is 1/2 Acre what i am trying to find out is... do the rods work and has anybody on here had any experiance with finding water by using the means of rods ...i was told not all people can do only works for some..hence this topic!
I have heard different stories from different people and i would like to hear your version.. if it woked for you didnt work at all. I thought this would be an interesting topic!

1st aircraft... TST Thruster MK1
Second aircraft... challenger II
Third aircraft .......Gyrocopter 2 place....... And i am still on the ground!...

Rob Swain
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Post by Rob Swain » Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:42 am

rogcal wrote:I don't know what water costs now as we've enjoyed the benefits of a borehole for almost a decade but I would expect it to take more than a decade and a half to recover the cost of having a bore sunk!
I thought the water companies still charged people with their own wells, generous types that they are...

My father-in-law was a farmer and had a number of underground pipes around the farm to keep the water troughs filled for the cattle. He kept an eye on the water consumption and if it went up suddenly he knew there was a leak. He tended to locate the general area of the leak (N,S E or W) by turning off various valves etc, but when he'd identified the field(s) with the problem he'd head off with the divining rods and find the precise location of the leak and fix it. He was very successful at it, both with rods and the hazel twig.

My best beloved can do it too, although she prefers the rods as having a hazel twig pulling downwards of its own accord freaks her out a bit! Interestingly her brother can't do it. I have to admit I've never tried.

As to how it works or why, I don't know, but I firmly believe it does for certain people.

I wonder if it works for fuel and oil leaks...
Rob Swain
If the good Lord had intended man to fly, He would have given him more money.

Peter Harvey
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Post by Peter Harvey » Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:44 am

Hi Gary
I'm still finishing my third house.
What's the reason you're searching for water? -
Precaution to avoid a source (well, etc).
Need it for drinking?
Need it for heating?
If you're new building, using a water source connected to a heat exchanger to underfloor heating is a very efficient means of heating. You'll need another energy source to get the temp up higher for bath / shower, etc. but a (hot water) solar panel will do most of your hot water in the summer.
A huge mistake we made was not getting the new sub-station to be 3-phase (we're in the sticks, no gas and oil will be expensive).
Give me a bell at the office if you want to compare notes further.
Pete Harvey
(at LAA office).

And yes. I have used dowsing rods - pinched them from a chap using them by the side of the road in Milton Keynes. They worked a treat and I've no idea why. A glorious mystery.

Bill McCarthy
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Post by Bill McCarthy » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:21 pm

If you have a leak in a water main, however small, the water WILL find its way to the surface, thereby indicating where it is. I have used rods ( "L" shaped bits of fencing wire ) to locate blocked and long forgotten field drains and spring sources.
There was a programme on the box a couple of years back on dowsing. The police in Canada had given up trying to find two men who had been missing for months, but called in a dowser in a last ditch attempt to find them. He used a map and a crystal thing ( strange I know) but he used them to mark out two lines which crossed in a lake. The police and the dowser went out in a launch and the dowser indicated the spot. They dropped an anchor which landed in the back of a submerged pick-up truck containing the two men. They had crossed the lake when it was frozen over but they plunged through thin ice and drowned. During the actual reconstruction for the film they actually had to make several attempts to get underwater shots of the anchor landing in the pick-up replacement.
It does work but goodness knows how.

Nigel Ramsay
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Post by Nigel Ramsay » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:36 pm

It DOES work and not just for water. Hazel twigs do well, a pair of bent wires will too. When I worked in the oil industry they used to employ a guy who dowsed for oil on a set of geological charts! Sounds weird to you modern guys I guess but it's a case of 'letting yourself go'. I once found a lost copy of MS Office in Spain by dowsing so there... call me weird , but there are plenty who can do it.

You should be able to find your pipe quite easily - feel the force! :twisted:

Gary Carr
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this is the post i placed on another thread

Post by Gary Carr » Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:56 pm

Hi All,
I thought i would post a question with regards to finding water!

I am starting a new House build: now there is a mains water pipe running through the house site!
This is in plastic pipe 2.1/4inch.. now i have been told that i can find the pipe with dividing rods???
Has anybody tried this and does this really work!..... i was told this only works for some people!..
Will the rods pick up water in a plastic pipe??
Does it have to be above a certain depth before it can be detected!
1st aircraft... TST Thruster MK1
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Gary Carr
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some of the answers

Post by Gary Carr » Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:00 pm

A $1,000,000 prize awaits anyone who can prove that he can find water or anything else with divining sticks or rods.

That thing sticking out of the hind end of the Navy’s Lockheed Electras contains liquid helium cooled magnetometer squids (magnetic anomaly detectors; MADs) that were used for tracking Russian submarines in the bad old days. But the US Navy, like all militaries is sort of dumb. They could have saved billions by employing some old geezer with a pair of coat hanger wires.
1st aircraft... TST Thruster MK1
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Gary Carr
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Post by Gary Carr » Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:03 pm

I forgot the pliers and brass plumbob. It is repeatable. Could be thousands of variables; soil distrubance, different PH, moisture in soil, oxidation of iron in soil, faulting. But I can find most anything buried near the surface.

I drive down the highway all the time with brass rods with a laptop GIS basemap hooked to a gps.

I was the first person to hook a GPS to a magnetometer. At the time the GPS had metal that affected the magnetometer, so a guy walked 20 feet behind me with the gps and a cable between us. The GPS now has all brass, special made. Attached is a pic of the setup they now use.

Why does a spring gravitometer measure different than dropping a ball and measuring the time with lasers in a vaccum?

What causes the effect gravity, magnetics, induced currents, different spontaneous potientials in the soils & formations?

It's a hobby, and my partner a geologist, use to give me heck all the time.
1st aircraft... TST Thruster MK1
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Gary Carr
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Post by Gary Carr » Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:08 pm

There are many more answers!
but did it work for you is what i am trying to find out... and finding the water pipe we are not looking for wells.....just a water pipe in the plastic mains under the ground.
I have post saying this only works for some people!
this is some kind of voodo science...
What is your oppinion!....
1st aircraft... TST Thruster MK1
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Post by G.Dawes » Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:35 pm

Well it works for me I used two steel welding rods about six inches bent down, resting lightly on my between my fingers and hand apart one foot.
Try and keep the rods parallel and if you cross the pipe they come togetherand cross at the point of the pipe, dont know why but it does,
find the approx area by deduction and save a lot of wolking.
Try it it ,may work I found waste drain and water main this way.
I must be possessed or something. you might as well.

Gary Carr
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Post by Gary Carr » Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:55 am

Hi G.D.
I tried this.... the.. water board chap came with 2 rods one steel and one copper.... tried the steel............nothing......tried the copper.....nothing :?
he turned round and said i must have static in my body for this not to work... i know there is no sscientific explanation on weather this works or weather it doesnt...
It worked for the water board! ....but me nothing........

1st aircraft... TST Thruster MK1
Second aircraft... challenger II
Third aircraft .......Gyrocopter 2 place....... And i am still on the ground!...

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