Ignoring PPR

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Gerry Holland
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Ignoring PPR

Post by Gerry Holland » Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:11 pm

Just an observation....
Its not unknown for Aircraft to land at my Airstrip, White Ox Mead without PPR.
In the majority of cases I get a text, email or call to say who it was and to apologise for no PPR.
PPR is needed as its a Farm and each day could present different circumstances.
Add to that that no one is around and if there is a landing or take off incident I wont know and the aircraft could be badly damaged, the PIlot too in a remote location.
We had an incident a few weeks ago resulting in a forced landing a mile away from Strip.
PPR had been given and all worked out OK.
So..... who was the Tiger Moth that arrived this Sunday morning around 09.00 and departed to the West! No contact to made to date! Another factor is that I need to log visitors for Ports Authority who pay regular visits to see me. No! Thats not me on the Most Wanted Poster in Police Station.
Just a little moan. Everyone is welcome PPR and no landing fees.

Paul Catanach
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Paul Catanach » Mon Aug 03, 2020 3:59 pm

I'm the first point of contact at our strip and regularly find aircraft there who have not called. We now have a note on the movements book asking people who land without PPR to get it before leaving, they don't bother either.

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Flying John
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Flying John » Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:02 pm

It is frustrating , to say the least, when an aircraft turns up at your strip without PPR - not to mention dangerous if it is an active farm, with the possibility of livestock or machinery on the runway. Might it be possible to set up say a battery operated wildlife camera, to capture the registration letters on the side, so at least you can send off an invoice for £50+ to the pilot/owner ?

Having said that, it is irritating to have to phone a well established aerodrome, especially those with a licence, rather than just call up on the radio 10 miles out and say can we come in as we are passing. There was one on the south coast some years ago who insisted on telephone ppr, for no good reason; so I used to call up on the radio for ppr and if denied used to take our lunch money, landing fee and fuel uplift to an alternative place.
John Luck

Paul Catanach
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Paul Catanach » Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:23 pm

Ours is on an active farm with radio modellers using the runway several days a week plus a HUGE clay shooting ground alongside and of course the obligatory prickly neighbours so a briefing is essential.

I've plans for a camera but they have their drawbacks. For one they don't react quickly enough to catch someone on a touch and go and the cheap ones are fairly low resolution. I might just go straight for claymore mines and laser guided sharks. :D

Sean McDonald
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Sean McDonald » Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:45 pm

My strip has ropes across the runway when not in use to keep trespassers off. Hence PPR is a good idea if anyone wants to visit

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Gerry Holland
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Gerry Holland » Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:52 pm

I'm pleased to say that the Tiger Moth that landed at my Strip Sunday Morning called today to explain the situation and all is well. Weather at that time over the Mendips was not so good so he wisely put down to see how things would go. If anyone wants to visit then please call for PPR and you will be made very welcome.
White Ox Mead.....on SkyDemon and Pooleys.

mike newall
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by mike newall » Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:31 am

If you ignore PPR at Sherburn, you will shirley never fly !

They require based aeroplanes to apply to fly the next day which seems a little odd. No other aerodrome in the area seems concerned.

We always thought that PPR related to arrivals, not departures.

I am sure there is a really valid reason :wink:

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Gerry Holland
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Gerry Holland » Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:43 am

Mike Hi.
That is really odd requirement of PPR?
Maybe they have limited movements to adhere to.
PPR works generally very well here.
Its needed as the wheat each side of strip will be cut in next day or two. Next month ITV Drama may appear for 2 or 3 days and the Strip will be totally closed to all flying traffic then.
Its common politeness to check you will be welcome......

Ian Hoolahan
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Ian Hoolahan » Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:01 pm

a chain and padlock might make them think again - with a note saying it will be removed with PPR! :twisted:

Paul Catanach
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Paul Catanach » Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:52 pm

Sean McDonald wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:45 pm
My strip has ropes across the runway when not in use to keep trespassers off. Hence PPR is a good idea if anyone wants to visit
I first heard of someone doing this a couple of decades ago when I lived in Australia. I was speaking to a flying school/strip owner about an instructing job when they listed their T&Cs which included no stimulants allowed on the premises (by which they meant food or drink containing caffeine), no employees living out of wedlock and no flying on the Seventh Day*. To enforce the last one they would hang a chain across the strip (not sure how they enforced the unmarried bonking rule).

When I asked what might happen if a passing aircraft needed to put down there for safety reasons they became rather upset and told me they didn't want to employ my "type".

Setting aside any liability claims if (say) a weatherstruck Tiger Moth were to attempt a precautionary landing and much as trespassing drop-ins give me the irrits I'm not sure I could sleep well if my deterrents caused damage or injury to someone who put down on our strip with a rough running engine.

(* This may give away which particular sect they belonged to).

Sean McDonald
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Sean McDonald » Mon Sep 14, 2020 3:13 pm

It's 190m. If it wasn't on Skydemon no-one would know it's there and there are plenty of more suitable grass fields for a forced landing in the area.
Visitors are welcome if with PPR if both they and their aircraft are capable in which case I take the ropes down which are there to discourage trespassers and those who think it is a nice place for their dog to shit.

Paul Catanach
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Paul Catanach » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:24 pm

Dogs that won't cross a rope to take a dump? How well trained!

Sean McDonald
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Sean McDonald » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:32 pm

The ropes do make a difference as do the signs. Only the complete arseholes now blatantly walk down it leaving their crap behind.

Paul Catanach
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Paul Catanach » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:40 pm

Dogs that read too?


(I can keep this up for aaaages).

Sean McDonald
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Re: Ignoring PPR

Post by Sean McDonald » Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:53 pm

You sound just like the sort or person I'm trying to discourage

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