CAA Consultation

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Alan Kilbride
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CAA Consultation

Post by Alan Kilbride » Fri Apr 09, 2021 7:47 pm

Just read the article about CAA changes to the way delegated associations should be held accountable. Read the consultation document and decided the lunatics really are running the asylum.
I know I don't like the way ex RAF 'Tally ho' types seem to get parachuted in to jobs at the CAA, but this certainly feels as if someone with no experience of GA, but loads of experience in Bulls**t are attempting to make a name for themselves, without evidence based information that shows the LAA/BMAA are perfectly capable of continuing their practices without further need of interference from people with no knowledge of the serious way both association take their responsibilities.


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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by lauriehurman » Mon May 17, 2021 7:47 pm

We need to raise the awareness of this.
I've just read an email from the LAA and had a look at the consultation document. I don't pretend to understand it but I responded as best I could.


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Steve Slater
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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by Steve Slater » Mon May 17, 2021 9:04 pm

Not sure whether everybody's e-mail received the longer three-page document which included further detail for reference.

In case you didn't the link to it is here: ... ROVALS.pdf

We have until 27 May 2021 to send comments to the CAA by email to [email protected]. We would therefore urge you as members and stakeholders, to respond to the public consultation by asking the CAA to withdraw these proposals. I hope you'll assist by taking a moment to respond.
Stephen Slater

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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by Marchettiman » Mon May 17, 2021 9:48 pm

This is a long and complex document and will take most of us some time to fully comprehend. Am I right in thinking that all the text that isn't underlined in red describes the current agreement between the CAA and LAA/BMAA? If so, at least we can begin to understand what to base our comments on.

My first comment will be why? Unusually for a major change in a regulator's policy document there is no reasoning and supporting evidence of the need for change to a well established and proven procedure. I will have many more once I can thoroughly understand the implications of the proposed changes, but it would be much easier if I understood why they are suggested as being necessary.

I do think the tenor of the whole proposal is summed up by the many paragraphs requiring LAA/BMAA to report in timescales of up to 10 days when as a paying customer of the CAA you are lucky to get an acknowledgement of any request, let alone satisfactory service within that timescale.
Graham Horder

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Captain Pulsar
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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by Captain Pulsar » Tue May 18, 2021 2:29 pm

"Just Culture"!!!
What have these CAA bods been smoking?
Acidic email sent, although I have little confidence anyone will even read it, but fingers crossed. 8)
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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by ChampChump » Tue May 18, 2021 2:30 pm

I didn't get the LAA's additional guidance but responded on the basis of the e-mail. There may be times to reinvent the wheel - maybe - but this isn't one of them especially not for the CAA which is surely better occupied elsehow.
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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by mikehallam » Fri May 21, 2021 12:08 pm

Today's CAA long winded & aggressive response attacking the LAA is a real '1984' Big Brother approach.
The shi** certainly has hit the fan, and it's a depressing read (see today's Flyer' forum).

The FAA system of owner responsibility looks more attractive than the beurocratic new worse the EASA approach the CAA are demanding.
Amateur self administeres maintenance is dead and our Light Aviation with care time, looks to be over.
No wonder Malcolm and now Francis have given up the unequal struggle. Poor Steve must feel virtually alone against the CAA behemoth!

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Alan Kilbride
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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by Alan Kilbride » Fri May 21, 2021 1:03 pm

It is extremely unfortunate that the CAA sees itself as untouchable, therefore does as it likes, with no fear of repercussions from above. The DfT says "We want less red tape and GA to be the best in the world". The CAA says. "" #£*"'£/' *" off. Who is the DfT to tell us what to do?". What chance have we got when the CAA tell their bosses to get lost?

Alan George
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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by Alan George » Fri May 21, 2021 2:18 pm

I do not see it as a clear imposition of new rules. The CAA response says there was a consultation with the LAA & BMAA starting from September 2019.
So I will confine my response to what I do not agree with from the A8-26 proposals and particularly the absence of any justification from the CAA.

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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by AlanB » Sat May 22, 2021 9:31 pm

I worked in a regulated industry for all of my career and so to me the proposals are bread and butter requirements. I am a little surprised that these are not already in place in some form already, and may be but just not explained very well which is often the case.

They may not be palatable and, in my view, there is room for further negotiation as to how these are implemented but, I have to say, I see this as a classic example of resistance to change and I urge the LAA and CAA to engage, as would appear to have being ongoing since 2019, to agree a way forward.
Alan Burrill

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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by P5151 » Sun May 23, 2021 1:54 pm

Where change is demonstrated to be needed because a well documented safety case then change should be made. If change is being made simply because it makes it easier for the CAA then it should be resisted. From what I understand the proposed changes will remove many inspectors who have often built the type they are inspecting so have a far deeper knowledge of that type than those who have not built.

I doubt there are enough Inspectors who fit the proposed requirements, permit renewals and mod costs will spiral for no additional benefit.
Steve Arnold

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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by alioth » Mon May 24, 2021 1:42 pm

Unfortunately the CAA sometimes mistakes regulation that is merely burdensome as regulation that is good.

I've responded to this: it appears to directly conflict with not just the DfT independent report from 2019/2020 on GA regulation, but also directly conflict with the spirit of other projects such as CAP 2146 (UK General Aviation opportunities after leaving EASA).
Dylan Smith

Ian Law
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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by Ian Law » Mon May 24, 2021 3:02 pm

I intend responding as best I can to the so called consultation, but my efforts are likely to be frustrated by a lack of time, diminishing reserves of patience and limited ability to get to grips with the gobbledygook. This may well have been the CAA's intention.
Is there no way to get straight to the important issues involved, to allow the likes of me to register my disapproval in the time now available? (Now 5 minutes less, having wasted my time typing this!?)

Alan George
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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by Alan George » Mon May 24, 2021 8:20 pm

How about:
1) There is no justification given by the CAA e.g. a safety case, to make any changes.
2) The proposals in Section 10 of Chapter 8-26 could mean the end of volunteer inspectors.

Ian Law
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Re: CAA Consultation

Post by Ian Law » Mon May 24, 2021 10:23 pm

Many thanks Alan - I'm grateful for any ideas!


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