web site!!!!

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web site!!!!

Post by josher » Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:43 pm

haven't used the website in a while.

Want to find the list of inspectors.

This must be the only website which diesn't have a search function or at least one I can find.

The link I can find after a lot of grubbing about doesn't work on two search engines.

I thought it had been rejigged recently. Needs doing again
Malcolm Rogan

Ian Melville
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Re: web site!!!!

Post by Ian Melville » Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:42 pm

I found it in seconds without needing a search engine.
Goto LAA Home Page.
Click on 'Main Menu' on the LHS
Click 'Engineering'
Click 'Find an Inspector'
All very logical

Not sure what you mean by not working on two search engines
If I use site:lightaircraftassociation.co.uk inspectors as a search string in Google, the 2nd listed item is the Inspector Zone, which is where the 'Find an Inspector' link also is. The first being the broken reminants of the old website.

There are still lots of broken links that should have been fixed by now. The rejigging was a while back now. A new front end and old stuff still in the background. It's not perfect, but it ain't that bad either.
Ian Melville

Michael Brooks
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Re: web site!!!!

Post by Michael Brooks » Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:02 am

Have to agree with josher w.r.t. lack of a search facility. Surely it isn't difficult to host a search textbox that forwards the search string to Google with " site:lightaircraftassociation.co.uk" appended to it - a bit clunky but would satisfy the requirement for minimal effort.

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Re: web site!!!!

Post by MikeM » Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:40 am

Well done to Lucy Wootton in redesigning the LAA website using Wix. It looks good, easy to navigate and has a search function.

Mike Mold (007106)
Jodel D117A G-BFEH, Watchford Farm, Devon

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Chris Thompson
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Re: web site!!!!

Post by Chris Thompson » Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:16 pm

The web site has been completely revamped by Lucy Wooton. There are inevitably bound to be some nits as a great deal of redundant material has been streamlined and/or edited out. If you notice something then please advise us. We already know of a couple of items which will be looked at as time permits!

If you find a fault then we need to know exactly what you were trying to do AND the Browser you were using to access the website.

Chris Thompson - LAA National Coach

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Re: web site!!!!

Post by smiffy68 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:49 am

I'm sorry but I must disagree with the last few comments. Lucy has been appointed as the LAA's Chief Inspector, not a web designer. She should not be building the LAA's website, it is not her specialist subject. And certainly not while there are on going issues with inspectors and the permit system.

Building a website on Wix is also a poor long term decision,
1. the new website is now almost impossible to transport to an alternative hosting provider in the event of a problem with
2. The Wix servers are located in Virginia USA rather than locally in the UK
3. has no UK presence legally, so in the event of a dispute, the LAA has no route to claim
4. and, the LAA shouldn't really be supporting a company with no UK presence for taxation

As it stands, the https://www.lightaircraftassociation.co.uk section fails third party testing on services such as GTMetix and sitechecker.pro at the very first hurdle!

By comparison, the older https://services.lightaircraftassociation.co.uk/ including this forum is hosted in the UK and receives A rating when tested.

The LAA needs to hire a dedicated web/IT engineer, rent some professional server space in the UK and stop messing about.

What we have now is the equivalent of me going out in my garden, chopping down any old random tree and using it as a main spar. It might work, I might get away with it, but it certainly wouldn't be right.
Kevin Smith

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Re: web site!!!!

Post by Flying John » Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:57 pm

Well Done Lucy (or whoever produced) the new website, good to see that we have a multi-discipline engineer able to turn their hand to most technical challenges. The new website is head and shoulders above the last iteration we had with clear search functions, easily navigable engineering documents and a fresh new look.

Who hosts the site is a minor deficiency and may be corrected simply if required, the HTML produce by wix is transportable to other servers simply and any competent web author is able to edit without recourse to a simplified web editing software.
John Luck

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Re: web site!!!!

Post by Boxkite » Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:39 pm

I can't say I like it, when I want information I don't want an art gallery. Acres of space used when just a list will do.
Quite agree about Lucy spending time on the website, unless it was done unpaid in private time.

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