Accepted Types List

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Accepted Types List

Post by SteveKR » Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:28 pm

Can anyone tell me where I can find the accepted types list on the website please?

I've tried looking everywhere I can think of and multiple searches but cannot find it. There is a reference to a link on the "building aircraft" page but no link to the list.

I'd also like to find out about things like approved propellors or ;imitations for certain types - specifically looking for approved props for a kitfoz series 7 supersport but there are other types I'd like to research and the PTL list and TADS listings seem not to cover all types - maybe I'm missing something.



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Re: Accepted Types List

Post by Boxkite » Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:41 am

Yep, the search is rubbish. But some will say the website is so easy to search...
'propellers' does not find this document: TL 3.12 ... 7e25b7f30e

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Re: Accepted Types List

Post by tnowak » Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:48 pm


I would contact LAA Engineering about the Accepted Types List. I also couldn't find it.
I found reference to it, so maybe there is a link missing or the link has become broken during the website revamp.

Tony Nowak

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